+++++ Breakdown Newsletter 3.0 ++++ 16 September 1998 +++ Breakdown: http://www.the-fringe.com/brook ++ Discussion: http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/list.html + Post to: breakdown@makelist.com ++++ In this issue: +++ Breaking News ++ Site updates + Current list membership +++ Breaking News The Internet Movie Database lists a 1996 Norweigan film called Stuperen ("The Diver") with original music by Michael Brook. Has anyone seen this film? Or even heard of it? I just sort of stumbled across it while I was looking for news on Affliction. Link: IMDB's Stuperen page http://us.imdb.com/Details?Stuperen+(1996) Link: Film Scores http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/scores.html#stuperen ++ Site updates Jon Hassell's Power Spot and Laraaji's Flow Goes the Universe have both entered into the personal Breakdown cd collection. Images and updated information are now in the Discographies. If there are any other New York City-ites out there, check out Other Music in NoHo - they're pretty hip to ambient music. Links to these albums http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/disc/power.html http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/disc/flow.html Breakdown correspondent Richard Peat has contributed a review of Black Rock. As a reminder: Breakdown is totally open to submissions like this. Link: Black Rock http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/disc/black.html#notes New articles in Babbling Brook, including: Link: the Spin review of Star Rise http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/babbling/spin_star.html Link: Black Rock magazine advertisment http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/babbling/wire_black_ad Link: a Wire article on Djivan Gasparyan http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/babbling/wire_dg.html Link: the Wire review of Black Rock http://www.the-fringe.com/brook/babbling/wire_black.html + Current list membership The Breakdown discussion list currently has 52 subscribed participants, up from 49 as of the last Newsletter. Progress. Regards, Chad ___________________________ Chad Ossman home: clo@fringedigital.com work: chado@weblab.org web: www.the-fringe.com