Welcome to Breakdown, an unofficial resource and discussion list about the innovative guitarist/producer Michael Brook. This site is infrequently updated, but contains a great deal of background info which will remain online. For up-to-date news and information, visit Michael Brook's official site and MySpace page.

Discographies Full details on every record featuring Brook
Michael Brook Hybrid


Michael Brook


E.G. Records Ltd.
1985 (reissued 23 October 1990)

David Bottrill: engineering assistant
recorded at Bob & Dan Lanois' studio

Gregory Brook: cover photographs
David Buckland: additional photography
Russell Mills: art & design


  1. Hybrid (Brook) 6'15
    • Daniel Lanois: percussion, treatments
    • Brian Eno: treatments
    • Michael Brook: infinite guitar, bass, percussion, mix
  2. Distant Village (Brook) 4'00
    • Daniel Lanois: bass, percussion, treatments
    • Brian Eno: piano, swamp percussion
    • Michael Brook: mbira, steel guitar, sunthesizer, mix
  3. Mimosa (Brook) 6'14
    • Gordon Phillips: northumbrian pipes
    • Brian Eno: piano, wind, treatments
    • Michael Brook: guitar, buzz bass, vibes, mbira, mix
  4. Pond Life (Brook)
    • Gordon Phillips: cricket recording
    • Michael Brook: guitar
  5. Ocean Motion (Brook) 5'45
    • Brian Eno: piano, synthesizer, treatments, mix
    • Michael Brook: guitar, buzz bass, percussion
  6. Midday (Brook) 5'50
    • Dick Smith: congas
    • Brian Eno: bass, treatments, mix
    • Michael Brook: infinite guitar, bass, percussion
  7. Earth Floor (Brook) 4'48
    • Dick Smith: percussion
    • Daniel Lanois: treatments, mix
    • Brian Eno: treatments
    • Michael Brook: infinite guitar, bass, percussion, mbira
  8. Vacant (Brook) 4'58
    • Brian Eno: bass, synthesizer, treatments, mix
    • Michael Brook: infinite guitar, mbira


CD cover scans and information on this page supplied by Bruce Carle.

A review by Colin Glassey
(reprinted with permission from Colin Glassey's Home Page)

Hybrid is actually a collaboration with Brian Eno. Michael Brook first appeared on the musical scene with Jon Hassell (most famous for his Eno collaberation Fourth World Music). Eno credited Brook for some of the inspiration on Eno's classic Ambient record: Ambient 4: On Land.

While I am a big fan of Eno's work, and Michael Brook's solo material, this record does not impress me. My feeling is that it is not ambient enough to be ambient music, but also it is not interesting enough to hold my attention. Some people think Hybrid is a wonderful work. I don't think it is a bad record, it just doesn't work for me.

Track notes

• Hybrid did indeed come out on cd in 1990, but thanks to the phenomenal fuck-ups of the powers-that-were at EG records, it was lost in the legal shuffle. For many years it was available only outside of the US. I myself picked up my vinyl copy in a tiny record shop in England. In recent months, however, Virgin has remasted and reissued the album on cd in the US. About time they remembered it.

• "Earth Floor" is included in the 1993 Virgin compilation A Brief History of Ambient Volume 1: 152 Minutes 33 Seconds. Likewise, "Distant Village" appears on A Brief History of Ambient Volume 3: The Music of Changes and Angels in the Architecture.


Hybrid Hybrid


Ambient 4 On Land A Brief History of Ambient Volume One A Brief History of Ambient Volume Three
Cobalt Blue & Hybrid Ambient Journeys Angels in the Architecture