Welcome to Breakdown, an unofficial resource and discussion list about the innovative guitarist/producer Michael Brook. This site is infrequently updated, but contains a great deal of background info which will remain online. For up-to-date news and information, visit Michael Brook's official site and MySpace page.

Discussion Join the Breakdown discussion list

Announcing... Breakdown, a discussion list for all matters Michael Brook.

Breakdown celebrated its two-year anniversary on 12 June 1999. This site has accomplished a great deal - mainly the drawing together of megabytes worth of information, experience, and opinion. It's time to find out what kind of a community we have brought together.

Breakdown enjoys a relatively small community, but it's one of like-minds (or at least interestingly-disagreeing minds). Let's start talking to each other.

Our potential subject matter is rich and varied:

Artforms: music, film, video, installation...
Genres: world, fusion, fourth, electronic, ambient...
Figures: Hassell, Lanois, Fordham, a pair of Enos...
Esoterica: guitar, equipment, live performance, technique...

Nothing will be excluded from the discussion, provided it is within earshot of Michael Brook and his music. Just as with the website, we encourage the contribution of everyone and anyone. The only requirements are that you approach the conversation with a sense of serious fun.

A key purpose of the discussion list is to share information and news, but also to encourage the expression of opinion. Music fans too easily devolve into trainspotters. Although the website is information-rich, let the discussion list re-emphasize the reasons we all listen to Michael Brook and to music in the first place.